Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Ol' Ticker

  • The Liberal Party claimed only 76 seats and the lowest share of the popular vote ever in yesterdays election. This does not bode well for Dion who will likely be ousted as the Party Leader within a few short weeks - if not hours.
  • Barry Obama keeps getting good news: he's up by a staggering 14 points in a new New York Times/CBS poll...
  • ... While John McCain keeps getting bad news: the economy is still in trouble, Sarah Palin is still his running mate, and he is likely to be remembered as a senile old man who got lost on stage at the second presidential debate.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

at one point, mccain was doddering around back there when obama was answering a question, and for like 3 seconds, i 110% thought he was going to come up from behind and put him in a headlock.

someone brought up a more nefarious (but plausible) explanation for mccain's meandering: that he just wanted to get in all of obama's shots. well played, old boy (except you just looked insane)