Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Afternoon Coma

The biggest obstacle in writing this blog - aside from teaching Grimes to write at all - is that when you first start in the morning you feel like a million bucks. You're ready to go. All hyped up on coffee and amphetamines. You can toss a few postings up and feel pretty good about it. 

But in the morning people have thousands of newspapers, entertainment blogs and YouPorn uploads to check themselves. They're not going to waste time checking in with a relative newcomer. When do they want to read this Grimes-bashing garbage? In the afternoon. From 3-4 PM. When there is literally nothing going on in any office anywhere in North America. 

In theory, this should be when we're writing and posting the most. But after a light lunch of roast beef with gravy and mashed potatoes, a dark beer and a quaalude, no one is any kind of writing mood. Or so we discovered today. 

So just know we haven't forgotten. We're just facing a bit of a learning curve. See, thing is - we have no idea what we're doing. Why is the column on the left so fucking MASSIVE!! We don't know. We may never know (if you do know, feel free to tell us in the comments). So while we try to figure it out, the thousands of you out there tuning in may be left without anything notable to read. That won't change anytime soon, but we hope by acknowledging it we won't be blamed for it.

Also - it's almost 5 PM in Toronto. We all got through another day without shooting ourselves. Well done everyone. See you Wednesday. 

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