Sometimes in life there are certain things that just bring you more pleasure than a normal person can almost stand. Things that make you whisper to yourself....."too good.....too good!" They're different for each person of course, cause everyone is wired differently and everyone takes pleasure in different things. So i'm just going to write some things down here that bring me entirely too much pleasure. I'll try not to let it get weird. No promises.
Clementines - are you kidding me? Are these things not absolutely ridiculous or what? I mean how the hell does a fruit taste this good? These things are like candy. Although it is possible to get a bad batch, for the most part, they really tear shit up.
Outdoor Hockey - a gift from the gods. Playing outdoor at Hairy Gairey park at Dundas and Bathurst, on a cold but not too cold night right after a flood. The ice is insanely fast, there are no fights, no arguments, just a bunch of people who want to play hockey zipping around. You'd think with no goalies, and no raising the puck, it would be less fun, but you would be wrong.
Dairy Queen Blizzards - These do not get nearly enough credit. Not even close. Ice cream all blended up mixed with chocolate or whatever the hell you want to put in there. I think the devil steals part of your soul everytime you get one as payment for giving you something so sinful. Maybe that's why i get one like twice a year. Just don't turn it upside down before you give it to me ok? Like i know it probaby won't fall out.....but if it does i'm going to fuckin kill you!
EA Sports NHL games for Xbox - Every year i think the same thing. How are they going to make it better? How are they going to change it? They're going to fuck it up aren't they? And then i play it. And the first game i think...."it's alright". The second game...."actually that's kind of cool!" The third game...."how did they come up with that?" And finally the fourth game i just whip it out and have a tug. I only really play by myself Saturday or Sunday mornings before my bro's awake....that's my special time, wouldn't trade it for anything.
Concentrated Orange Juice - I prefer it to Tropicana or whatever else you can buy in a carton. Give me the little can full of frozen goodness, and then 3 cans of water and you've got a happy man. Bonus points for filling a glass and putting it in the freezer, couple hours later you got yourself an orange juice slushy, i ain't shittin' ya!
Derek Mumford's nicknames - Derek has had more nicknames over the years, then i have had sexual partners. Which to be honest really isn't too hard to do, but still. Catscan, Long Arms Bluntford, The Weedman, The Shivering Ghost, Awkward McMumford, Big Juicy Van, The Comfort, and there have been plenty more to boot. Each one is fantastic and fits him like a glove, or more appropriately, a back brace.
Surfing - Are any of us any good? No not really, but it doesn't matter. Surfing has so many positives going for it, and is so different from any other sport. First off...the workout is incredible, which you don't realize until your first time back on a board after a long time. OWIE OWIE OWIE MY ARMS! Hanging out in big blue, with your legs dangling in the water, and sitting with your brohans scattered around you, shooting the shit, waiting for a set of waves...well that's almost as good as catching a wave itself. I said almost. Cause the feeling of catching and riding a good wave.....well that's what we like to call feeding the soul right there. That's a four course meal.
Sex - I'm told it's quite good.
Honourable Mentions - Masturbation, Heroin, General Tao Chicken
Please feel free to comment on this blog and tell me some of your favorite things, cause i'd love to know!
"Each day's a gift!" -Cancer boy in Brain Candy
I think you could've expanded on the NHL games for Xbox, mainly when you're playing 4 player with your buddies, and you score, and then get to do a goal celebration. It's hard to keep your pants on.
Or how about getting some alone time after a busy period where you feel like you're constantly surrounded by other people and running around.
I have to disagree about the blizzard. I can honestly say I've never finished a whole one, it's just too hell, and, well, they make my ass explode with feces.
Fresh powder lines on skis or a snowboard?
Hearing a new band, which you don't really know anything about, and loving it on first listen.
Getting high on a Saturday morning to clean your house after a party with music playing and leftover beers in the fridge.
Calling your friend a smelly idiot and convincing him it wasn't you.
Watching Norm MacDonald on Bob Saget's celebrity roast. Trust me, track that down, watch that shit, and try no to cry in laughter.
I'm sorry Michael, i sure did leave alot of things out. Like the fact that for the first time in my life i won more than 5 dollars on a scratch 'n win bingo ticket last night. I got an X....fifty bones!
4 player NHL IS INCREDIBLE! Especially if you're on Mike Denby's team and get to enjoy his celebration upon scoring, which is to pull his pants down, and do some sort of celebration that involves his genitals or his ass.
There are always going to be things i miss in a list of favorite things, can't write 'em all down, but that's why i asked for your input.
Truly I am a smelly idiot.
K well.... AMAZING!
So I love OJ.... So much so that I will drink it till I puke... ! I have totally done the frozen juice slushy! ........ Like sweet cherry pie!
I have never played an Xbox but I can say thet I have not ever enjoyed a video game as much as I have Madden for PS2... Maybe TW 2004... cuz I rock your socks at it but still.... NFL is amazing to play....
Scotch.... Scotch is one of those things to me that make me glow.... nothing you can drink will beat a JW red on ice after a jog, horseback ride, yoga , sex, dinner, BBQ... what have you.... SO FUCKING GOOD.....!
Sex is so good sometimes but even better is the feel you get in yoru feet after a great Orgasum when you unclinch your toes for the first time... AMAZING!
Now here is a story for you...
So Eric tells me this...
Whenever he gets a blizzard and the counter person holds this thing upside down he yells " OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Then when they give him the frosty treat he says " PLEASE DONT DO IT AGAIN... I'M NOT WILLING TO RISK IT"
So yesterday I go with a friend of mine to get heaven on earth and I'm telling him this story and he thinks is amazingly funny and wants to try it... So we pull up to the drive through and ask for 2 small blizzards.. One chip and one rolo I think....
We get to the window and she hands Davis the spoons and holds up the chip and turns it upside down and Davis yells...." OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING" and the poor girl is so freaked out at him yelling that she dropps the blizzard all down davis's truck....!!
Well I almost peed myself I laughed so hard.... The only other time I have laughed like that was when I had the cottage cheese on my face!! ;) But thats another story!!
I would add to your list, or at least to my own, the following:
Raspberries - little red, delicious wonders. Too bad they are only technically in season for 3 weeks of the year. Why do all good things come to an end....why Nelly why!
Reality dance shows - this is like crack for me. I can't look away and there could be 500 of them and I would be hooked to each and everyone.
People falling down - now I am probably going to hell for this but just the thought of someone falling down for any reason makes it worth it. I actually can't control myself when it happens to people, young or old, I point and laugh. And this is no ordinary laugh. This is the laugh I have reserved for only these special occasions where nothing could be funnier than the fall.
Hugs from behind - HUGS from behind are great and I don't know why but they are about the best thing ever! The next time you get one, make note of how amazing it feels and you will understand.
People chewing salad - I can't explain. You either love the sound and are oddly comforted by it as I am or you just think this is weird and wish you never read it.
Nina, I concur. Hugs from behind are aewsome because you get to grab some boob.
I like doing this on my friend's mom/sisters too. (We all know this is my actual favourite thing... making sister/mom jokes)
Eric here are some of your favourite things that you left out like the moron you are:
Parcheesi: Especially when its played during the holidays and Mark is in last place and there is that added thrill of not knowing when the board is going to be flipped.
Yahtzee: Try and tell me a better feeling than rolling a Yahtzee. Especially a Yahtzee of ones...sometimes a Yahtzee of sixes can cause conflicting emotions.
Adam Byers: His resemblance to Krouger gives you way too much enjoyment.
Coca Cola Classic: You enjoy this beverage way too much when it is sipped out of a tiny glass filled with way too much ice.
Your sister: I understand you look up to me but seriously you need to give me a little space.
Happy now?
Please stop asking me everyday to comment on your blog.
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