Ok first off i'd just like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Thanks to all your love and support this blog is now in the top three blogs of people i know that have blogs. Trailing only Stacey Bowman's TornLake blog, and Dug Stevenson's blog, which also coincidentally are the only two other blogs i'm aware of.
Christmas kind of rules in my opinion. Some would say it's for the added time off. (11 days in a row this year including weekends so i'm pretty stoked on that!) Some would say it's for the gifts. (You greedy cheesedicks!) Some enjoy the food. (Fatty fatty fat fat stick your head in gravy! Mmmmm.......gravy.) Overall though i think it's a little bit of everything that contributes to the feeling of the season. Snow, presents, family, friends, drinks, food, vacation time, new year's eve, world juniors tourney, you name it this time of year has it all.
I'm sure you're all wondering just what the hell i'll be up to this year? Well first off i'll be spending the 24th and most of the 25th at home with the fam. Then the night of the 25th i'm cruising up to Kingston with Palmer to stay at the Mumford's retirement residence, which i'm pretty pumped about because i've never seen it and i've heard it's a pretty sick pad. The Mumford's are straight up genius', many months ago they purchased tickets to the World Juniors hockey tournament, possibly the greatest international hockey tournament in the world. They have 5 tickets to every single game and have very generously allowed Derek to invite myself and Mr. Palmer along to the first two days of the tournament. So when you tune in to TSN at 7p.m. on Boxing Day, to watch Canada take on the Czech Republic, keep an eye out for me, i'll be the one quietly beating off under my jersey and crossing "World Juniors Canada game" off my bucket list.
After that I'll be returning to Toronto and having a nice long week full of......well nothing really. I'm off work and i'll be making the most of it. And by making the most of it i mean drinking, relaxing and sleeping in. Sackville is making his way to Toronto for New Year's Eve which is exciting news, we have no plans as of yet, but one thing is for sure, when all the boys are looking for their wives to kiss at the stroke of Midnight, Mike and I will be looking for each other so we can laugh at them and act like we're happy being single! Fuckin chumps eh Mike? New Year's day will be a large Grimes family fun day with all the cousins, uncles, aunts and significant others getting together. I am already once again prepared for the onslaught of "so are you seeing anyone? really? why not? you know you should really be looking to settle down eric!" To which I will respond once again with my trusty shut them up line, "actually i'm gay!" Works every time.
Needless to say i'm excited about the holidays and i'm ready for them to start now. I need this time off pretty badly. Once i return to work on the 4th or 5th or whatever the hell day it is, well then it's only about a month and a half until the event of the year, surfing trip to Nicaragua! Booya! I can do a month and a half in my sleep once i've got something to look forward to.
So Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Kickass Kwanza, whatever it is you celebrate, celebrate it well and don't hold back. All the best.
Your pal,