This article will be devoted to someone that i recently lost from my life. A man who entertained me once a week for a short period of time, but never failed to leave me enthralled, aghast, amazed.....pretty much took me through the entire rainbow of emotions. I laughed with him. I cried with him. And when he died....a piece of me died with him. If you don't know who i'm talking about....then i'm going to have to take a quote from Alex Kitz when he was asking Mumford if he read up on the show "Lost" after each episode and Mumford responded that he did not, "well then you're an idiot!" The man is none other than Jimmy Smits.
For those of you stupid enough to not watch Dexter every week, then you won't understand this tribute and you should probably just go rent seasons 1 or 2, or maybe take a long walk off a short pier because you are a waste of space and serve no purpose in society. Dexter is quite frankly the best show on TV bar none, and this season Jimmy Smits (Miguel Prado), was the best character on said show.
Miguel: "Are you going to help me kill Ellen Wolf?"
Dexter: "No"
Miguel: "Well then FUCK YOU!!!" (Incredible switch from normal conversation to insane latino rage)
Miguel: "That blood sucking defense attorney ELLEN WOLF!!!!" (I got chills when i heard this quote, i'm pretty sure Jimmy Smits is method and probably killed an actual Ellen Wolf before doing this scene)
(Spoiler alert!)When we look back on this season of Dexter, i hope that collectively as a fan base, we can look past our feelings of sorrow for the loss of Jimmy, and remember him for all the good times. The time when he discovered Dexter was a killer and not only accepted but embraced him for his actions. The time when Dexter asked him to dress inconspicuous because they were staking out a potential kill, and old Jimmy showed up wearing all black with black sunglasses. The time wear Jimmy showed up at Ellen Wolf's house and forced his way in at the end of an episode, leaving us all to wonder whether he had the balls to kill her. Jimmy's first kill and the look of latin ecstacy on his face as he plunged the knife home. And of course, who could forget the crowning jewel. The time Jimmy was faced with his own impending death at the hands of Dexter, and rather than shy away and cower, he screamed in Dexter's face that "this doesn't end here!" as he died.
Dexter has now been around for three full seasons. And in these seasons we have seen a myriad of characters come and go each hoping to leave it's mark upon our creative conscious'. The ice truck killer in season 1, whom Buckley and i discovered yesterday on imdb, and we found out he has never acted in his life before Dexter....or after. Sargeant Doakes, Dexter's long time enemy spanning two seasons who's constant pissed off attitude and hatred towards Dexter left us with many memorable moments and quotes. Detective Lundy who's annoying eating habits and sublime buttocks made us all realize why sometimes younger girls like to bone old men. George King...the skinner...who's Nicaraguan heritage has made everyone coming with me in February on our surfing trip start to have second thoughts. All were great characters, but in the end there will always only be one that stands out in my mind. Miguel Prado.....Jimmy Smits....thanks for the memories.