Friday, October 17, 2008
On The Trail
The World of Sports through the eyes of a moron

Pick: Saints
Really tough pick here, a few weeks ago, i would have said Denver all the way. But what the hell happened to them? Is it just that other teams figured out to cover Brandon Marshall? Either way New England is a shell of their former self without Brady, they're confidence and swagger is gone. Broncos will buck them.
Unrequired Sports
The Other Argument
Andy Reid. Once Brian Belick (BAL) was fired at the end of last season the door was left open for Reid to take sole possession of ‘worst coach in the NFL’. The opposing argument would be his record of 96-62, but does this make him a good coach? Think about it. He was there for the beginning of the Favre era in Green Bay (’92) then moves to the Eagles for Donovan’s entrance into the league (’99). I should clarify I’m commenting on Reid as a game day head coach. I’m assuming he is a good practice coach or an even better QB coach but someone should have taken play calling away from him a long time ago. Since Reid has taken over, Philadelphia has had a 60%-65% passing offense. “Why? You don’t like balance?” [said in Jim Gaffigan’s voice]. In recent years the highest passing Super Bowl champs have been the 2006 Colts and 1999 St. Louis “Greatest Show on Turf” Rams at 55%. Just saying. Then there’s clock management, essential for an NFL head coach these days. In his 18th season Reid still has not grasped this elusive part of the game. As it happens in their 3 wins this season the Eagles have averaged a 19pt difference so there have not been many 2-minute drill come backs for Philly in 2008 leaving my theory untested this year but just wait for it. (Though there was a 4th down goal stuff in Chicago and a three and done from the 2-yard line at home against Washington, both occurring near the end of each loss. Coaching anyone? Maybe they should have tried the single wing.)
The Top Ten Reasons Mumford Rules
10.) He's one of the very few friends i have that also follows sports
9.) He can open beers with his engineering ring, i tried once and almost ripped my finger off
8.) He picked up his girlfriend at a bar, and she's kind of awesome
7.) He 100% definitely suffers from voice immodulation. (aka he talks so loud)
6.) He's the only close guy friend i have who has a cottage
5.) He will have a bionic back in the near future, possibly with a remote control
4.) He loves weed
3.) He's seen more movies than Ebert & Roeper combined (ROPES!)
2.) He wobbles back and forth a bit when he walks
1.) It's Friday, he ain't go not job, and he ain't got shit to do
Let me tell you, why i suck!
I mean kitzy figured it out pretty easily, how to put a video up from youtube, so why can't I?
I mean having to click on a link is so 2007, any blog worth it's weight in gold will give you the ability to watch the youtube video right on their site. Pathetic.
Nutshot of the Day
Nonsensical Jibber Jabber
What a beautiful day, sure it's a bit nipply out, i'm pretty sure one of my balls retreated back inside my body for warmth this morning, but what's important is that it's friday. Just saying the word Friday makes me happy. It's perfect, say it to yourself right now, everytime you do you'll feel a little tingle of excitement from memories of friday's past, a little sense of comfort from knowing you can sleep a bit later for a couple days, and then of course we're in the heart of football season so even sunday's are good again.
There's a little bit of sadness of course, for today is the day that Kitzy has left us for a few weeks. But we all know that he's going to come back stronger, faster, and more political than ever. So for people like me who haven't been able to understand a single political column of his yet, then just wait cause it's only giong to get more confusing.
Since it's friday and it's an easygoing day let's talk about the weekend? What are you up to? I've got an old high school friend coming to town tonight from L.A., so i'm going to be heading out with her and her friends and some of mine. Not sure where yet. Then tomorrow it's one of my sister's friends birthdays, so me and my old pal Mikey Delish, otherwise known as Das Denbotech will be doing it up in fine style and trying our hardest to humiliate our sisters. As for Sunday, well the Bills are playing the Chargers, so my fat ass is going to be planted firmly on my couch, i defy you to try and get me off it. I think The Comfort might post another football column today so let's all look forward to that.
On The Trail

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Unrequired Sports
The Single Wing
So by now we all know about the single wing or Miami’s “wild cat” offense. What we don’t know is why every team with a quality two-headed RB attack doesn’t try it at least once. The dolphins can run this offense to a tee because they have a perfect fit with Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams in the backfield. Other teams desperate for offensive production have tried this attack as well, including Oakland. Why not the Vikings (Peterson/C. Taylor), Tampa (Graham/Dunn), or Dallas (Barber/F. Jones)? I heard the comment of “well if you have an established offense you don’t need to run this set” or something similar. Why not? You don’t like yards and TD’s? Miami has 5 TD’s rushing and 2TD’s passing, one of which was a sweet 80yd flee-flicker this past Sunday against the Texans. Basically any team with a backfield by committee setup should be the first to ride the coat tails of this idea (“It’s a copy-cat league, Tony” – PTI, Michael Wilbon) along with them, teams with a solid No.2 back. Personally I would love to see this single wing set run by the Eagles. Think about it, in six games, pretty much split down the middle with 3 a piece; Brian Westbrook and Correll Buckhalter are averaging game totals of 100yds, 2Td and 125yds 1Td respectively. Odds of this set being seen out of Philly don’t look good with Andy Reid at the helm, but that’s another argument.
Other double threat backfields; JAC (Jones-Drew/Taylor), BUF (Lynch/Jackson), SD (LT/Sproles), CAR (Williams/Stewart), NO (Bush/McAllister), IND (Addai/Rhodes)

Unrequired Sports
Before getting into the first installment of 'Unrequired Sports' my mentor, Eric "The Diamond" Grimes, suggested I write a short intro explaining as he put it "how I fuck". First off you should know that I read at a grade 5 level and have the writing skills of a slow 3rd grader. So if your thing is grammar and sentence structure these articles will not be for you. If you enjoy uninformed rants or anything NFL have a read and enjoy. Peace!
The Ol' Ticker

I didn't post anything that delightful yesterday (with the exception of Conan's awesome "Is McCain Senile?" sketch) and I'm going to cop out today as well and just post this: McCain getting a bit lost on stage (again) at the end of a debate (again). Except this time, apparently trying to grab Barracks "obamas." Mmmmm, forbidden lust. Or is he trying to steal his wallet? (talk about role reversal!!) I'll let you be the judge.
The Ol' Ticker

Turns out that “Joe the Plumber,” as he became nationally known when Senator John McCain made him a theme at Wednesday night’s third and final presidential debate, may run a plumbing business but he is not a licensed plumber. His full name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. And he owes a bit in back taxes.
An official at Local 50 of the plumber’s union, based in Toledo, said Mr. Wurzelbacher does not hold a license. He also has never served an apprenticeship and does not belong to the union. (The national plumber’s union, the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Mechanics, endorsed Mr. Obama, it should be noted.)
“All contractors are licensed, and he does not have a license, either as a contractor or a plumber,” the union official said, citing a search of government records. “I can’t find that he’s ever even applied for any kind of apprenticeship, and he has never belonged to local 189 in Columbus, which is what he claims on his Facebook page.”
According to public records, Mr. Wurzelbacher has been subject to two liens, each over $1,000, one of which — a personal tax lien — is still outstanding.
And his question to Mr. Obama about paying taxes? According to some tax analysts, if Mr. Wurzelbacher’s gross receipts from his business is $250,000 — and not his taxable income — then he would not have to pay higher taxes under Mr. Obama’s plan, and probably would be eligible for a tax cut.
The Ol' Ticker
So for the hundreds of thousands of people who have been tuning in to hear all the great things Grimes & I have to say, I'm sure you were a bit curious about my post this morning concerning Joe The Plumber. Sure, I had a picture of him. But the probing minds of our legions of fans wanted to know - who is Joe, really. Now that we have the video from his interview this morning on Good Morning America I can tell you. He is a crazy motherfucker.
First off - he doesn't make over $250,000. So, let's just get this out of the way, in NO WAY does Obama's tax plan effect him. But that's not the problem for Joe. The problem is that he doesn't think it's right to penalize people for making a lot of money ever. That, just because you've made more than 95% of the population, you shouldn't have any added responsibility. Just because you have made all of your money off of 95% of the population, that's no reason that you should give more back to all those people you made it from.
What's hard about conversations like this is that there's no argument I can make, because Joe the Plumber and I are just speaking completely different languages. For starters he's obviously an ardent Republican. He's obviously ardently small government and he's obviously not that into thinking rationally.
So all I can say to the thousands of registered American voters who troll our humble website - Joe the Plumber represents the very wealthiest 5% of the American population. He is literally a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to voice the concerns of the middle class because he works on sewer mains, while dropping every single wealthy republican talking point under the sun.
By the by, when the "undecided Voter" starts appearing on stage to speak at rallies for Senator McCain, you might want to wonder just how non-partisan his comments are...
The World of Sports through the eyes of a moron

Fairwell to Kitzy

The Tittie Pipe

- So in actually Tittie Pipe news, David E. Kelly (creator of Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Legal and every other Legal dramedy ever made) is going to give TV a crack with a new show that centers around the crazy question of what happens when a father and daughter BOTH practice law? All I know is that zaniness and/or heartfelt moments ensue.
- Will Arnett of dearly departed Arrested Development has been offered a seven-figure deal with FOX to make a new show. Early reports suggest the sitcom will revolve around a man who was incredibly funny in his freshman TV effort and then got sucked into a string of terrible movies. He's so method!!
- And speaking of method! in a slightly different kind of Tittie Pipe news, Steven Soderberg has tapped Sasha Grey (not like that...) as the lead role in his gritty new film about high class prostitutes who fuck for money. Take out the "high", "class" and "prostitute" and you can see how Grey would fit right in!! Of course this is a huge break for the adult film actress. The Girlfriend Experience will be Soderberg's follow-up to the four hour historical epic Che and Grey's follow-up to the 90-minute epic Four Massive Black Cocks In My Ass.
The Ol' Ticker

- For those of you wondering, "who the fuck is Joe!?" last night during the 3rd Presidential debate - see above. The story is that Joe and his son we're tossing the pig skin around in his hometown of Holland, OH when Barry rolled through. Curious about tax policy the two discussed flat taxes versus Obama's tax credit system for American's making $250,000 or more. In the end Barry wasn't convinced by the flat tax proposal, and Joe wasn't convinced by Barry - he's likely voting McCain this November.
- And speaking of McCain and Joe and Barry and politics and stuff, an interesting note from the Times this morning! McCain said that there are millions or Americans just like Joe. Actually, there are 770,000 Americans who own businesses and make over $250,000, just like Joe. That's about 1.7% of business owners. Which means Obama was right when he said in response to John Walnuts McCain - 98% of American business owners will not be affected. Who will people listen to? The answer lies in: How interested in national tax policy math does Joe look?
- And finally - for those commenting on Dion & The Liberal's loss (good band name) yesterday who suggested he would have a hard time making it through the next convention. It turns out MY forecast may have been a bit more accurate. Dion may be gone within a few days.
- Joe The Plumber's real name is Sam.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Ol' Ticker

- The Liberal Party claimed only 76 seats and the lowest share of the popular vote ever in yesterdays election. This does not bode well for Dion who will likely be ousted as the Party Leader within a few short weeks - if not hours.
- Barry Obama keeps getting good news: he's up by a staggering 14 points in a new New York Times/CBS poll...
- ... While John McCain keeps getting bad news: the economy is still in trouble, Sarah Palin is still his running mate, and he is likely to be remembered as a senile old man who got lost on stage at the second presidential debate.
The Tittie Pipe

Last night a young guy - fake Tom Green - has the power (unbeknownst to him mind you) to fuck up any electrical device around him when he gets upset. Sadly, this means he kills the young woman of his affection when the elevator they are both in plummets 32 stories straight into the ground. Oh, and also his mom, whose pacemaker he short circuits. So it's not a good day for this fella. How do you find him? Well luckily it turns out that it wasn't Walter's fault that this kid is all amped up. There is some other guy who is doing experiments on unknowing people and giving them this power (an interesting parallel though, as Peter pointed out last week, Walter is as much a cause of these problems as he is the solution). Walter, using pigeon technology (finally!!) deduces the Freak Of The Week's (FOTW's) magnetic output from the walkman he was using and then shocks the pigeons into oblivion with the same frequency so they will all migrate towards the guy (thereby allowing the FBI to find him). Good idea? Great idea!! As for what becomes of the pidgeons when they have to fly south and instead keep flying towards Harvard University Hospital... We'll leave that to the scholars to discuss.
The episode, though not amazing, makes a sensible move to finding the balance between a serial show (the pattern is a consistent) and a weekly procedural show (Freak Of The Week). Note, for example that just as FOTW gets on the elevator The Hairless Man - noted two weeks ago as a harbinger of an addition to the pattern - steps off the elevator. Also, in our preview of next weeks episode, we see that a girl, similarly amped up (but this time radioactive) stumbles in to a deli and boils everyone's brains. Awesome. But also awesome? The deli is the same deli The Hairless Man sat in with his roast beef sandwich in Episode 3. What does it all mean? Maybe it was just cheaper to use the same background twice... I don't know. But what it suggests to me is that the show - now picked up for a full season and with strong ratings - is relaxing a bit and injecting some much needed mythology to the weekly emergencies of the Homeland Securities Fringe Division.
The Tittie Pipe

If you can find me a better show on TV than House, I will kiss you socks. Last nights episode brought four - count them! four! - good story-lines together in a way that hasn't happened yet this season. To start, House's dad dies. And you know House, the loveable, kind hearted sap that he is, obviously breaks down weeping. Or not... Rather he refuses to attend the funeral and is generally bitter about the idea of providing a eulogy. Intro storyline #2. Cuddy drugs him under the guise of a SARS vaccine and when he awakes, Wilson has kidnapped him and is driving him to the funeral. Roadtrip!!!! Back at the hospital, storyline #3, the Case Of The Week (COTW) is a young Asian girl with multiple addictions whose liver is shutting down and who keeps vomiting blood (a hugely popular symptom over the last season, am I wrong?). And who will save this poor girl now that House has been taken away? Welcome to storyline #4, in which the old team, without House, performs a differential only to find the new team has solved the problem in the same amount of time! Do I smell some inter-hospital competitions happening? Probably not... But it would be awesome.
The episode is really about parents. About how much they fuck you up; In the Asian girls case, both physically and emotionally and in House's case... well, the same. But it's also about assigning blame. We find out Taub has confessed his past infidelities to his wife, that Kumar (does he have another name?) blames adoption for spoiling the COTW and that ultimately, assigning that blame will get you nowhere. Whose fault was it that he cheated? It doesn't matter. Whose fault is it that the COTW is all addicted-up? Well, it turns out it IS her parents fault because they tried to kill her by inserting pins into her brain... So maybe in that case you CAN assign blame. But for the rest of the episode, it's about trying to discover why things happen and ultimately acknowledging that it doesn't matter. The past may be prologue, but the main chapters make the book.
Also - it turns out that Wilson and House met at a medical convention where House bailed Wilson out of jail. Man, do you ever have to love those guys.
The World of Sports through the eyes of a moron

Ok today i'm going to say a few things about the death of Alexei Cherepanov. For those of you who don't follow sports too closely, Cherepanov was a first round draft pick for the Rangers who died the other day at the age of 19 i believe, when he collapsed on the bench after a shift for his team Avengard Omsk of the KHL, which is basically Russia's NHL.
So first off, yes these things do happen, seems more and more often in sports lately. But that doesn't mean that they can't be prevented or at least safeguarded. Now i'm not one of those people who agrees with baby protecting the world which seems to be the trend. There's a sign and a warning on every little thing you see which is obviously companies or municipalities protecting themselves from potential lawsuits. "My son leaped off your bridge and broke his tailbone, and it said no jumping but it said nothing about no leaping, PAY UP!" Bullshit. Also i have a whole playground argument that i could get into. About how playgrounds for kids suck now, cause they're way too safe and no longer fun, accidents happen, and usually it's a matter of natural selection, if your kid's dumb enough to fall off a slide then he probably wasn't going to last to long anyways. That might push a few buttons.
So i've digressed but back to my point, you're a professional sports league paying competitive salaries with the NHL, millions of dollars for some players. Yet if you look at all the mistakes that were made that could have saved this kid's life, it's kind of disturbing. There is supposed to be an ambulance on site at every game, which is pretty obvious, considering the level of athleticism and speed in a contact sport. But there wasn't, they had left earlier in the game. There was supposed to be a working defibrilator at the arena, but apparently it wasn't functioning properly. Keep in mind every canadian arena, not just professional, but every single rink has a work defibrilator. One of my bosses here actually had a heart attack on the ice last year and was saved because the rink had a "WORKING" defibrilator. So not only that, when the ambulance is called, it takes them about 15 minutes to arrive. And do they have a working defibrilator in the ambulance, no of course not. So the kid's heart has stopped, he can't be revived, they finally get him to the hospital, and again he can't be revived.
Seems like a lot of issues doesn't it? Well there's more. Cherepanov had a blood disease called, "chronic ischemia", ( which is basically a lack of blood flow to the heart. So the KHL apparently does drug and blood tests just like the NHL, so if that was the case, why was he playing with this condition? At least that's what russian authorities are saying he had, but apparently it would be extremely rare for a 19 year old to have this disease and be playing at such a high level, with such a condition you would more likely be exhausted from playing hockey at such a high level day in and day out. So answers and excuses continue to pour in each day that passes. If there's one positive that will come out of all of this, it's that the KHL due to the embarassment of this incident will now up it's safety standards for sure and will be sternly monitored in the process. It's just sad that it always seems to cost such a high price to make change.
Top of the Muffin To You!
Of course I'm kidding. Bad news for The Rebels. I'm sorry to hear about the loss - as I always am.
This may become a bit of a slow day around here what with Grimes going to spank balls all afternoon, but on the other hand, his absence may inspire me to write a whole lot more. We'll see. It's a coin toss.
So thanks to the everyone who sent in e-mails yesterday. I was up late dealing with all of them. Your support is obviously appreciated. And to, if you'd really like to know what you can do for us, click on some of our AdSense banners! I believe we get 0.7 cents every time you do. A fine booty indeed. From AdSense that is... Though presumably on as well...
Morning is here!
Kitzy that was a hell of a double post you pulled off late yesterday, gotta admit those afternoon blues were hitting me pretty hard too, i was deep in an afternoon coma and didn't even think of our multitude of fans out there. So for that i apologize. And also thankyou for posting "afternoon delight", i had no idea that i looked like donny osmond more than anyone else in the world. William H. Macy...yeah i think we all knew that, uncanny.
Had my hockey game last night, missing a few people to do sickness and job concerns, but we played a hell of a game and still ended up losing in the last 2 minutes of the game 2-1. But who really cares cause i got our goal so i can say, "i did my part boys, your'e the ones who are losers, i'm awesome!" A big bruhaha at the end of the game too which resulted in a couple ejections, always fun to see.
Got my company golf tournament today, pretty exciting stuff, that means i only work half the day, and since i usually only actually work about half the day, that means i'm working a quarter day today....pretty sick! I'm just happy i don't have to golf with kitzy all day. Pretty boring morning post but i'm tired as hell, i'll try and do better as the morning turns into afternoon.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Afternoon Coma
Vice-Prime Minister Grimes
Also as an unconfirmed member of the Alex Kitz Prime Minister for 2012 campaign, i can surely lend a helping hand to all other Canadians in my unfortunate position, the Derek Mumfords and Colin Pearsons of this world will now have a voice, someone who will wave a helping hand and yell out....."HELLO!"
"I loved you in Wall Street!"
I Humbly Accept Your Nomination
Thank you Grimes. It seems like just yesterday that you were drooling all over yourself like a small child. In fact, it was just yesterday. But despite your obvious intellectual shortcomings, it is with a deep sense of duty and high resolve, I accept your nomination.
I accept it with a full and grateful heart – without reservation – and with only one obligation – the obligation to devote every effort of body, mind and spirit to destroying the life of Eric Grimes.
I also haven't voted today. I'm going to. And I will do so with a heavy heart, knowing that Olivia Chow will likely carry my riding of Trinity-Spadina. I am not convinced that she is right for the job. Nor am I convinced that jack Layton isn't an absolute asshole. But that's neither here nor there. Toronto-Danforth and Trinity-Spadina will likely both go NDP and it saddens me. So let me be the first to say to Christine Innes, you fought a good battle, but it wasn't meant to be. And to an excellent candidate and a close friend, Andrew Lang who ran a smarter - if smaller - campaign against the Jack Layton Party, bad luck, but I'm optimistic for next time. There are big things in your future and all of us are excited to see them materialize.
Knowing that two better candidates will lose because they are just single MPs and they are both running against the royal family of another party is a tough pill to swallow. And it is why I didn't run straight to the voting booth this morning. But I'm confident that, maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of our lives, we will regret placing a single NDP candidate in charge and soon people will approach politics in Toronto with more even-tempered minds and steady hands.
As for Eric voting. I think, having pried him off his lazy ass, I've done my duty for the Canadian political system.
In other political news...
Also i have no idea who this Bret Stephens guy that kitzy is talking about is, and i probably should but unfortunately i don't care. My main information source for american politics would have to be SNL skits which i'm told are actually fairly accurate. Tina Fey does a mean Sarah Palin.
I feel like Kitzy should probably be Prime Minister, i mean the knowledge is there, the mouth is there, the wide range of interests is there, and oh man would the scandals ever be there, i think it's a great idea cause i'd be rich, everytime i was strapped for cash i'd just bring out one of the thousands of debaucherous kitzy photos in circulation and sell it off to the media and watch him squirm.
The Ol' Ticker
In Which The Wall Continues...
The World of Sports through the eyes of a moron
The Habs are the best team in the NHL by far, no one else comes close so they shoudln't try. Oh and the Leafs suck. No but in all seriousness i went to the habs vs. leafs game Saturday night. My pops got me and my bro seats, and they were incredible. Fourteen rows up in the golds, on the blueline opposite the players benches. Habs won 6-1, a few things i noticed, first off the powerplay still looks pretty lethal, adding Tanguay and Lang seems to be paying off so far, they're my favorite team so i'm biased, but man can they really move the puck around especially when you give them space. The Kostitsyn's look great so far. As for the Leafs, well i don't think they'll be as bad as everyone thinks, but i still think ther'es no way they're making the playoffs. As long as management doesn't get antsy and blow the rebuilding plan by trading away good prospects and draft picks for past their prime vets, then they should be alright. Hollweg is a douchebag and a perfect replacement for Tucker for all those frustrating Leaf fans like Ghaeli. Schenn is a franchise defenceman.
Haven't watched a ton, don't care that much seeing as how the Jays aren't in the playoffs, but i'm rooting for a Phillies vs. Rays world series, obviously alot more boring than the potential Red Sox vs. Dodgers and the whole Manny Ramirez debaucle, but i can't stand the Red Sox and for the most part any Boston sports team so i don't want them to even get the chance at another World Series. Plus Manny Ramirez seems to be the definition of everything that's wrong with sports.
I love the NFL, if there's a better run sports league in the world then show it to me. Can't wait to go see Bills vs. Jets in November. Bills didn't play this weekend so not much to say. My fantasy team destroyed Stu's, (Stu's team is the freebie, pretty much automatic win if you play him) and brought me back up to .500 at 3-3. Seems everybody who plays me has their best week ever, i've got more overall points than any team, yet have still lost 3 times. My bro's pretty pissed cause Romo's out for a while.
Went to see a Raps preseason game last week, they look good although not as deep as usual, Jermaine O'Neal looked healthy and athletic, but he and Bosh don't quite have the chemistry yet, hopefully they will.
I played decent on the front, shot a 46, and played like ass on the back, shot a 52, still broke 100 but it's not a tough course so overall....who really gives a shit, it was a fantastic day which is all that really matters. Some other hilights were Kitzy almost nailing a bunch of old timers with a shot gone wrong, seeing Ghaeli, Umpherson and Depoali's beautiful shining faces, humping Ghaeli's leg, seeing Kitzy drain an amazing chip, and taking years of life off our golf cart.
Anyways now it's tuesday, i've got my hockey game tonight, the week just started which is kind of depressing, but it's only 4 days so i think i can make it, the habs won last night and have 5 of a possible 6 points so far which is awesome, and i just started a blog finally so i can shit talk all i want without people saying, "why are you always on facebook? Don't you have anything better to do?" No, clearly i don't.
It begins....
So i've decided to try and be proactive with this thing called writing and actually practice once in a while, so i figured why not start a blog, seems that's what everyone's doing. But how could i start a blog without my old pal Kitz? The answer....i couldn't, which means this is a joint blog, he can post, i can post, we can argue, discuss, give different points of view on drunken nights, maybe even throw up a pic once in a while. The irony is that i'll probably be posting pretty much always during the day, so being proactive with work means procrastinating at work, but let's be honest i already did that anyways so i'd say more than anything it just means will suffer a bit since i won't read quite as many articles. Will anyone read this? No definitely not, probably just kitzy, so in that case i'd just like to say, fuck you kitz, let it begin.
-Optimus Grime