Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stump Speech

We live in a great nation. Perhaps the greatest nation. Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. 

Well, I say to them tonight, there's not a liberal America and a conservative America -- there's the United States of America. There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America. And there is no living America and Zombie America!! There's only the United States of America! 

The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too. We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we have Zombies eating our brains in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and periodically see dead people, wandering aimlessly down the street, groaning with their arms outstretched in front of them in the Red States. There are patriots who oppose those who seek either flesh to eat or people to kill and infect and patriots who support it.

We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America against the ill-behaved, mindless, unfeeling monsters with a hunger for human flesh who aim to harm us.

That is why I am running for President. To bridge that divide and to heal the wounds - not the literal wounds inflicted by those hungry, hungry zombies, but rather the figurative wounds - of a country sundered. My opponent, Zombie Abraham Lincoln is not an evil man. But his priorities are skewed. We must help bring this nation together and I fear that in volatile times like these, we cannot afford four more years of catering to the greedy needs of Zombie appetites.

We should not vilify them. Nor should we try to exclude them as the time for exclusionary politics is over. Rather, we should reach out to them (with protective gloves mind you, to prevent being bitten) to unite this nation, under one God with liberty and justice and delicious brains for all.

Friday, October 24, 2008

On The Trail

DAY 8... 

It feels like it's been a lot longer.

So Grimes gave me a pretty stern talking to today. He said I hadn't been pulling my weight around here. And he was right. I guess I'd lost sight of what really matters in my life.

Do I care about my job right now? Absolutely! But I also care a whole lot about watching Californication on Monday nights, and I haven't been doing that too much either, now have I? My priorities are all fucked up. So let's get back to business. And what better way for me to return than by talking about my new absolute passion:

The Wendy's Flavor-Dipped Chicken Sandwich

Wow. What a fucking sandwich!! I just had one, and it literally blew my mind. I've been making a pretty conscious choice to eat healthy food while I'm down here. And in the south that means getting a chicken burger instead of a hamburger. I've already lost 6 Lbs!! (Not really, but that would be an awesome diet). This chicken burger has the best sauce I've ever had in my entire life smothered all over the sumbitch like it took a big ol' bath in the stuff. So delicious! And the chicken? Moist, tender and succulent. Everything a non-Denby could ever ask for. 

Now I think most of the influential members of the culinary community will know how I feel about Wendy's fad sandwiches. Fuck'm. The baconator? Eric was there when I had my first one, and I think he saw my hear sink into my shoes when I saw how puny it was. *Just* three patties, six strips of bacon and cheese!? Where the FUCK is my mayo!?! But the Wendy's Flavor-Dipped Chicken Sandwich? No need for that shit. What it's got is all you need. And what has it got? The perfect makings of a pal meal, that's what. A couple of rings of onions - for me - and about eighteen pickles for my main man Grimes (Grimes, don't worry, I kept all of them in a napkin, I'm bringing them home for you). A masterpiece. A culinary masterpiece. 

So to the fine food scientists at Wendy's - to you, I tip my hat. Well done old boys. You have made the world a better place.

As for the rest of my day? Well, I was thinking about the numbers to it while I was danking out back just now - and here's how I see'm:

[Daily Tallies]
Hours in a day: 24
Hours spent working: 18
Hours spent sleeping: 5
Coffees consumed: 3
Red Bulls consumed: 2
Diet Cokes Consumed: 6
Meals: 1 (ideally Wendy's from now till I die, which could be any minute now)
Danks: 10
Beers: 4-6
Diarrhea Sessions: 2
Multi-Vitamins: 1
Air-Born Nutrient Drink: 1
Percentage of Awesomeness Felt: 100

So yeah, if I make it through this without a massive coronary or looking like Christian Bale from The Machinist, I'll be pretty pleased.

The campaign is going really well. I guess I should speak more to it, but I'll need way more time to collect my thoughts. I'm a pretty senior member of the team if I don't say so myself so I'm staying busy. I was actually offered a more senior position last week, coordinating the 200-300 Out Of State Volunteers (OOS Vols) for Northern Florida. It would have been a pretty big deal. And in my excitement I immediately took the job and started working away. And about an hour later I remembered I was Canadian. That was a tough shoe to chew. Obviously they had to renege on the offer cause they couldn't have some dirty stinking Canuck on senior calls, but it was still cool to have held the position. Even for 60 minutes. So yeah, that's me bragging cause I'm a huge chump. Eugh. This is going terribly...

For people who haven't been reading the polls, Americans are casting their ballots early in record numbers. And if you're looking at those stats in Northern Florida, their all because of us. It's a cool feeling to be able to check National polls and see what your work is producing. And what we're producing is this: Republicans beat us in every single state save one (Iowa) in 2004 in early voting. So this year, getting all that energy to translate into early votes was really important. Essentially it was making sure we weren't playing catch-up come election day. Now we have 2/3 of early voters casting their ballots for Barrack, and already we have just a bit under half a million votes cast. So we're doing well. And I'm still bragging. Sorry folks. I know this entry is sucking assholes, but I'm just letting it flow.

So yeah, Florida is still polling really tight (despite big voting numbers... more on that next time), and that likely won't change. But the bright side of it is that Florida is quickly becoming the "Must Win" for McCain. If he doesn't win it, he's done. He can't be president. So on Nov. 4th, if it goes our way, we've won the election. You'll pretty much be able to call it before the other 2/3rds of the nation are announced. And that's amazing. But it also scares the shit out of us.

On the door of our office we have "Run Scared" written in big letters and taped up where everyone can see it. Barrack said it on a conference call and it's become our mantra. Always run like you're being chased.

Luckily for us, that's easy because we are being chased by bat-shit crazy McCain, so that helps keep energy up.

And that's about it. Or rather, I have a bajillion more things to say but that's about all I can write in one go. So yeah, you guys all suck, I don't miss you at all and Grimes is a super-chump for getting a Blackberry.

The end

ps - whoa, that other blog that Grimes attached is way better than ours. We really do need to step it up, eh? Grimes! More stories about you and Denby, and laughing and laughing and laughing...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I rarely get pissed off, but when i do....

Ok so this morning's post is going to be a rant, and boy do i love to rant sometimes, there are few things out there that truly piss me off, but today's topic i can honestly say....PISSES ME OFF! Don't you worry, this is not a rant about one person or anything like that, but it's aimed at a select few companies. And so it begins....

So what's grinding my gears? Cable companies. Specifically Rogers and Cogeco. Why you ask? Here's why. Yesterday my brother went out and got us a PVR digital cable box. We've been wanting one for a while because our schedules can be pretty random, and although there's not a ton of regular tv shows i watch, it's nice to tape movies sometimes, or if i'm going to miss the first half of a hockey game i can PVR it and catch up or something like that. Anyways so the box comes with about five bazillion different wires, some of which we don't need, some which we do. So i take a look at the instructions for setting it up....and holy shit you gotta be kidding me. It shows 5 boxes in a row, and only "Cable In", "Cable Out" connections. What about the countless other wires? Who knows i guess. And why would Rogers want to sell me this terrific piece of machinery without the proper installation instructions? Well obviously once i've prematurely balded myself by ripping every strand of hair out of my head, and come as close to a mental breakdown as possible, i'm going to call Rogers and they will send someone to my house to set it up for me. And they'll charge an arm and a leg to do it. I haven't quite resorted to that yet though. Derek Mumford, techinal wiz, will be on his way to my place this afternoon once he wakes up and has breakfast which should be around 3 p.m. I'm hoping he can figure it out.

You think that's the end of my rant? You think that's all i've got? Hell no, i'm not done yet. Another rant against Rogers. For a while my bro and i were fortunate enough to be in a hotspot with an unsecured network so we temporarily cancelled our internet since we were getting it for free. So we would still pay about 3 bucks a month for rental of the router, but we could call in anytime and they'd start our internet service back up. So after a couple months the internet connection was fading and was really inconsistent so we decided to start paying again. I called them up, they flipped the proverbial internet switch, and we were back in business. Until i got my bill of course. 300 FUCKIN DOLLAR INSTALLATION FEE!? What the hell? Didn't I already pay this when we first had it installed? Yes of course i did, so i called Rogers up with a rather large bee in my bonnet. Of course they waived the fee and they informed me not to worry cause this was just an automatic fee tacked on by the computer system whenever someone's internet was switched on. So they know about this little computer "glitch". Why wouldn't they change it then? I guess the answer to that is, why would they? There are probably quite a few people who have their bills paid automatically through their internet banking and might not notice this discrepancy. Toronto being such a diverse multicultural city probably also has quite a few residents who haven't completley mastered the English language yet. So let's say a man or woman of Chinese descent, that haven't been in the country for long, is trying to figure out why their bill is so large. It's probably not so easy for them to understand the situation, and at the same time pretty easy for the person they're talking to, to blow them off. So there's some serious profit to be had, for doing absolutely nothing. And the real kicker to this situation, you call up, and you're pissed off, 3oo bones is nothing to sneeze at, but you can't yell at the guy on the phone, at least i never do. I mean he has nothing to do with what happened. It's the higher up powers that be that are making money off the bullshit, and you can't talk to them, cause they're on the golf course. This poor bastard just sits there, and gets paid far too little all day to take phonecalls from people who give him shit. So be frustrated all you want, and sure sit on the phone and ask to speak to the manager, then his manager, and his manager, and so on....but by the time you get to the big boys.....well they're in a meeting right now but boy would they ever love to talk to you if they weren't.

Think i'm done? I'm not done. My next bone to pick, this time is with Cogeco. Why Cogeco? They don't even provide service in Toronto, their monopoly is in Oakville. Well my parents live in Oakville, and since the cable companies have it perfectly organized so that they don't have to compete with each other, Cogeco is their only option. (Sure you can get satellite TV, but if it's raining out, well then grab your favorite book!) So as many of you know, i'm a big Habs fan, and this isn't by accident, it's in my blood. It came from above. My parents both also enjoy watching hockey, and since they live in the GTA, that means the local team is of course the Leafs, but the Leafs suck. So they like to watch Canadiens games just like my bro and I. Cogeco sent out a flyer to all it's subscribers advertising their great "NHL Centre Ice" package. You pay about 25 to 30 bucks a month and you get every single NHL game. The flyer specifically targeted Montreal fans with a headline that said, "catch every Habs game this year!" So last week they try to tune into the Habs signal. So my Dad called up Cogeco to ask them what the problem was. "Oh we're very sorry sir, it appears that we will not be able to show any Montreal Canadiens games in the package this year." Uh.....what? Huh? Excuse me? So they advertise, "we are showing all Habs games!", then they decide they can't show any, and did they tell anyone about it? No of course not. My parents got no call, no email, no letter, nothing informing them of this decision. So after they called my parents talked about it and figured there's no point in them having the package if there's no Montreal games since they would probably not watch many, if any other games. So the following week they called up to cancel the package. "Actually sir, it turns out we will be showing all Habs games this year after all!" Uh.....what? Huh? Excuse me? Apparently there was such a big stink from people calling in furious, (Habs nation....gotta love them!) that they figured their shit out and got it done. But again of course they would never inform anyone of this decision. You pay us money, and we'll provide you a service, but if we welch on that service, well then you call us to figure it out. Makes sense.

So that concludes my little rant, i guess it's not so little after all, but i feel better now that it's out of my system. I hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just Having a Rig ol' Bead!

I like sports, i like my friends, i like not politics, so what else can i write about, well i like to read, so why don't i do a quick little nerdy book review/recommendation. I will suggest one book that i loved and why i loved it, followed by one book i hated and why i hated it.

Book: Barney's Version
Author: Mordecai Richler
Should you read it: HELL YEAH!
Why?: Ok so Mordecai Richler, well he's one of Canada's best writers, if not the best writer we've ever produced. This coming from someone who knows nothing about Canadian Authors. But i know's what i likes, and i likes me some Mordecai. Now some of you might not recognize the name but the odds are you've read a book or two by him without knowing. "Jacob Two-Two and the Hooded Fang" ring a bell? Or the sequel "Jacob Two-Two and the Dinosaur"? What about "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz"? Some of you may have read that one in school like i did.

These are all fantastic books, but the one that stood out for me was "Barney's Version". Now this book is as you maybe predicted, about a man named Barney. Basically Barney is in a sense writing his memoirs throughout the book, taking you back through his life over the years and explaining his 'version' of events. I say his version because essentially Barney is a pretty despicable person. He's had multiple wives, multiple jobs, screwed over multiple people, and possibly committed murder. And don't worry i'm not ruining the book cause you find all this out pretty much right away. Barney is still in love with his ex-wife but he fucked that one up pretty royally.

The reason i found this book so incredible, is for the shear amount of effort required to read it. When i started reading it, there were many times that i almost abandoned it. To read 20 pages was mentally exhausting, and it's not a short book. There are countless characters to remember, and i love that Richler basically said "fuck it" to the average reader when writing this book. If you don't read alot, like every single night, then i wouldn't bother, cause you'll come back and be lost. He jumps from time period to time period, subject to subject, and location to location. The first 100 pages you'll almost find yourself angry with him for putting you through this kind of mental torture.

However a strange thing seems to happen along the way, even though you're reading the memoirs of such a vile human being. You start to sympathize with him, you start to laugh with him, you start to see his side of the story and he slowly turns into one of the most interesting characters you could ever hope for. The read starts to get easier because you've done your homework in the beginning so the characters are finally falling into place and you're not so confused anymore. And Richler, is a literary genius, and a comedic one aswell. I'm not one of those people who shows much emotion when reading a book. I almost never laugh out loud, (LOL!), i won't cower under a blanket, and i think a book has made me cry only a couple times. However there were several times while reading "Barney's Version" that i was chuckling to myself, or just had a smile plastered on my face. Plus Barney is a massive Habs fan throughout the book since most of it takes place in the Jewish suburbs of Montreal, which helped me identify with him.

So i would defintely recommend this book but take heed of all my warnings above and don't come to me saying, "Grimes what the fuck, i started to read that book and it was impossible!" Just stick with it, it'll be worth it. I won't say what happens, but the book has without a doubt, my favorite ending of any book i've ever read. The last page left me laughing to myself and convinced that Richler is Canada's best writer.
Book: Happy Days - Fonzie goes to College
Author: Unknown
Should you read it?: FUCK NO!
Why?: Cause it Fuckin sucked. At one point in Australia, i was reading a shitload, and me and the boys were camping out at some campsite. In the main building they had a box of books that you could just have, i caught a glimpse of "Happy Days: Fonzie Goes to College" and figured it would be funny to read. Probably the worst half hour of my life was to follow. Fonzie starts his own college with some other shitheels. They play a football team against another school where Fonzie scores a touchdown riding his fuckin motorcycle. At one point The Fonz is looking for a lawnmower, and he spots a toolshead and says "AAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY......TOOLSHED!" And then he opens the toolshed and says, "AAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY.....LAWNMOWER!" Now the only thing i really want to know is who the fuck bought that book in the first place? I mean yeah i read it out of sheer boredom, but it was free so all i really lost was my dignity, but someone paid money for that horseshit and if i ever find out who it was then i'm going to grab a video camera and film my own "Nutshot of the Day".

Monday, October 20, 2008

On The Trail

Day... Something...

So initially I was hoping that I'd be able to post every day. Well, uh... that hasn't exactly been the case. 

Not that I don't have a balls load of things to say, but the hours just aren't lending themselves well to dropping some wisdom for a half hour every day. 

It's like wading into a raging river. It is fast, your balls ascend up into your body and you wish you were better prepared. So far the most sleep I've gotten has been 6 hours. And that felt amazing. Apart from that we're at the office till 2 AM or so at the very least. Usually later. Once we finish the regular human things - organizing events (Michelle Obama is here tomorrow) getting people out to vote (early voting began today) making calls (we call 15,000 people every day) - we have about 5 or 6 hours worth of data input ahead of us. Plus staff meetings and conference calls at 8 AM, 9 PM and 10 PM. Which is a very long winded and self-aggrandizing way of saying: we're fucking spent.

But it feels awesome.

Grimes and I spend all day complaining about how much we hate work. And I've literally done more work since I got here on Friday than I've done in my entire life combined. And what's weird is that I love it. I wake up, tired, but still good to go. It's surreal. And in some ways I wish more people could be down here. But mostly I don't because you're all giant dicks.

But now to the juicy. Where am I staying? So I think I told people that there were homes that supporters offered to the campaign for out of state staffers to stay in. Our home is on the beach (we can see the water from the front door). There is pretty good surfing about 15 minutes away and a rack of boards in the garage. And man, this house! I should load photos. Maybe I will. But yeah, it's giant and beautiful. You know how people *say* it's a beautiful house? Well this one actually is. Like in a magazine beautiful. It's kind of amazing. A short story to give you an idea of what it's like: when I first got here I'd had all my soap and shit taken away from me at the airport / I didn't bring a lot of stuff. So I'm in the shared bathroom between Jake and I's room. And he's brushing his teeth in one sink and I'm at the other and he jokes, "don't worry, they probably have some for you." And I laugh. And he opens the drawer between us, and there is a line of white and yellow striped boxes, about nine inches long and 2 inches square at the bottom. Each has a "TB" in gold cursive writing on the front. I open it up, and inside is a little travel toothbrush and mini-toothbrush. For guests!!

I nearly shit my pants!! (nearly?...)

So yeah, if we were ever there for more than a few hours, that'd be sick. And if I could make use of the beautiful beaches, I guess that would be pretty good too. But seeing as neither are happening, it's kind of like the hell of having everything great on the other side of the window.

But I digress. The point is that things are still awesome. Like, amazing. As I mentioned, Michelle is here tomorrow. When Sarah Palin spoke in Pensacola she had 8,000 people at her rally and had two weeks to prep for it. We got word yesterday that Michelle was in town and so far have around 3500 people booked to attend. We're hoping to get 10,000 people to fill the stadium. Keep your fingers crossed. It's a long shot, but we really want to put Palin in her place and let Michelle just shut the Alaska Barbie down. Just crush her. We'll see what happens...

So yeah, that's the word from here. I'm pretty much just on the phone all the time or getting yelled at for fucking up - which is a pretty frequent occurrence. But it's still awesome.

Don't miss any of you. You're all dicks.


The Top Six Denby Grimes Moments of All Time

I've known Mike Denby for quite a while, about 24 years now and we've had quite a history. There's alot of crazy little links to our friendship, the fact that his dad is my doctor and delivered me, the fact that our little sisters were born 5 days apart and are best friends, the fact that our brothers were born 3 days apart and also are best friends, the fact that our parents regularly hang out, so you can imagine we've had our fair share of epic moments, and hijinx in those 24 years. Here's the top six moments that i could actually remember.

6.) Golfing with our dads on a golf trip in high school. We were still new to the wonderous joy of getting to drive golf carts. Add to that the fact that it was raining. We discovered golf cart waterskiing that day, which is when one guy drives, and the other hangs off the back of the golf cart and skiis behind it. Rips up the grass pretty good and rain is a necessity. However the best moment that day occurred when Mike deliberately did a very sharp turn while at the same giving me a kick with his foot, i went flying out of the golf cart and rolled on the grass for a while. The marshall of the golf course was right there. We received a stern lecture from him aswell as our fathers. Well worth it.

5.) Michael and Eric learn about life and death. Mike always used to take family vacations down south in the states, and on these trips he and his dad would pick up a shitload of fireworks. So Mike was always loaded down with Cherry Bombs, M-80's, Bottle Rockets, Smoke Bombs, Huskerdoo's, Huskerdon'ts, etc. etc.....So one day we caught a couple of frogs and put them in a tennis ball container. We poked a hole in the lid and stuck the wick of a M-80, which is a much more powerful cherry bomb basically, through the hole so it was hanging into the container. We lit the wick, once the fuse got down to the hole the M-80 would drop in, and KABOOM! The tennis ball container with the frogs would fly up in the air, top would come off, smoke comign out. One frog didn't make it, the other was barely alive. Needless to say Mike and I were not pleased with ourselves after that. We both felt really bad and that was the last time we were cruel to animals.

4.) Mike and Eric get arrested. We were out bowling one night, when we get a call from the girls we were hanging out with at the time. They made a bunch of inuendo's about toilet paper. We went out to our friend Colin's van in the parking lot, and sure enough, it had been toilet papered to shit. So rather than let it go, we went to the Grocery Store and bought some eggs. We found their car in the parking lot, and Mike, myself, and another friend Tyler shelled it real good and then called them up and made our own inuendos about eggs. They called us back and said they didn't know what we were talking about. UH-OH!! Same car, same color, same parking lot....different license plate. And someone had seen us do it and taken my friend's plate number down. Mike and I were charged with vandalism over 5000 dollars, had to be taken to the police station by my mom, she watched as i was fingerprinted and photographed. However we were lucky cause the judge knew it was a prank gone wrong, we wrote letters of apology and were given "alternative measures", which meant our record was erased when we turned 18.

3.) Mike almost knocks Eric's head off his body. Mike had a kickass treehouse and play area in his backyard including a seesaw. One of our favorite games was to take action figures and other assorted toys, place them on one end of the seesaw, and then slam down the other end and catapult whatever it was into the air. So we were playing one day, we were probably about 8 or 9 years old, i was placing the toy on one end, Mike thought i was ready. I wasn't. Seesaw came flying up, smashed me in the eye, i went flying backwards, and Mike ran away screaming "I killed him! I killed my best friend!" In fact i wasn't quite dead, but i was definitely not on planet earth for a few minutes. Mrs. Denby eventually came out, brought me inside, gave me some frozen peas to put on my face, and instructed me that when i went to bed that night, i shoudlnt' sleep on the side with the swollen eye or the blood would drain down that way and make my eye swell up more. Well i obviously wanted a kickass black eye so i deliberately slept on that side. It was huge the next day, which was a stupid mistake. Mike also hit me in the head with a baseball bat once on a follow through. My own fault though, i had been warned to take a step back.

2.) Eric is forced to leave the Denby household. Mike and I had been playing a video game called Road Rash 3 on Sega Genesis all day. There was a cheat involved in the game where if your bike was going to blow up, you could run away from it and get picked up by the cops instead, which was way cheaper than fixing your motorcycle. Mike's brother Dave was playing a race, and the bike was beat up and about to blow after a crash, Mike yelled to Dave, "RUN AWAY FROM IT RUN AWAY FROM IT!" Dave looked back over at Mike, flashed a little evil smile, and then deliberately ran back to the bike causing it to blow up. Mike screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" and charged Dave. They started fighting. Dave's friend Bryan tried to hold Dave back by holding his arms. Mike chose that moment to boot Dave in the nuts. Dave lost it and the fight was back on. Mrs. Denby heard the commotion and came down and informed me that, "i think you should go home.....". So i did.

1.) Mike and Eric get scared shitless. In Australia, Mike and i are both nearing the end of our respective trips, and are staying near Byron Bay in a surf instructor's house for a week. We have a few days left in our week long stay their. We'd been surfing so far all week at this beach about ten minutes away. So we were out in the early afternoon waiting for the first waves of the day. I'm lying on my board facing the beach, Mike's about ten feet in front of me, and five feet to the left. All of a sudden, straight in front of me a large fin pops out of the water and starts to glide right at me. I say to Mike, "is that a fuckin dolphin?", he says back, "I DON'T THINK SO!" Mike obviously hightails it immediately and starts paddling like crazy. While im forced to watch this fin glide straigh at me, about 5 feet away it slowly slides under the water and i'm left lying on my board wondering what to do. I wait about ten seconds to make sure it's not right under me before i start paddling harder than i ever have before. We were pretty far out, so it took a while, and the whole time i was convinced this thing was right behind me the whole way. Plus i couldnt' catch a wave to save my life. Mike had caught a wave and tried to surf it in but had fallen off and was also convinced he was a dead man. We finally both made it to the beach, stared at each other in disbelief, and went home for the day. Proud to say we were both back in the ocean surfing the next day though.

The World of Sports through the eyes of a moron

Ah Monday....delicious Monday....what a day isn't it? New beginnings, the promise of a new work week, things blooming, you gotta love them. Actually no you don't. I hate Mondays, cause it means i'm at the very beginning of five days of pure hell. Ok maybe that's a bit of an exageration, but still it's not my favorite day, and that's compounded by the fact that my bro has this entire week off, so everyday i wake up knowing he's still asleep getting his beauty rest, while i look like shit scraped off a shoe and put in work clothes. Anyways let's do a round up of the week in sports today.

Another great week in the NFL. No surprise there, god i love sundays. I was ecstatic to see, or at least see some of (power outage) my Bills take on the Chargers and prove yet again that they are a legitimate threat this year. Trent Edwards was so solid completing about 83% of his passes and engineering several scoring drives. For a 2nd year QB to play so calm and composed all the time is impressive to say the least. Now Buffalo is 5-1 and to make the playoffs only really needs to go .500 the rest of the year to get into the playoffs. With two games remaining against the Dolphins, Jets, and Patriots this shouldnt' be a problem. I hope i didn't just lay down a jig ol' Binx! As for my picks, well it was a successful first week and i still have one game to go, so far I'm 9-4. And man did i ever botch a couple calls, I figured New Orleans vs. Carolina would be way closer for one, and good god did i not see that shellacking coming by the Rams over the Cowboys. Tonight's monday nighter should be good, but i'm thinking the Broncos are going to take the Patriots for sure, we'll see how she rolls.

The Habs proved once again that they are among the best in the league with their easy 4-1 victory over Phoenix which never seemed in doubt. Price is playing well, all the lines are clicking, Laraque is shit kicking people left right and center, and all this even though the boys still have some key injuries (Higgins, Bouillon and now Kostitsyn). Taking on Florida tonight at home and then Anaheim on Saturday. The Leafs looked like they were going to keep it close with Pittsburgh on Saturday night, but it appears that putting Crosby and Malkin back on the same line was a good idea. The Penguins pulled away winning 4-1, with Crosby picking up a goal and 3 assists, and Malkin equaling his point total with 4 assists.

I've said it before, baseball is not my favorite sport, if we were ranking the 4 major North American Sports in terms of my interest, it would go NHL, NFL, NBA, MLB. But there's just something about October baseball that gets the juices flowing. (And no i'm not saying i beat off to playoff baseball). The Rays vs. Sox series was a banger. I went to bed last week with the Rays up 7-0 figuring it was over, and vaguely remember while half asleep my bro saying thorugh my door, "Yo it's 7-4 now!" and thinking, "i don't give a shit, it's still over". Then i woke up and got to watch those insane hilights. Incredible comeback, and after winning again in Game 6 it appeared momentum was on the Sox side. But i watched last night's game from about the 4th inning on and the Rays impressed the hell out of me. Their bullpen got them out of many tight jams, and they willed themselves to a 3-1 victory. David Price was beyond good in finishing the 8th and getting the save in the 9th. And that victory celebration was magnificent although i'm sure we'll be hearing about countless injuries coming from that pile on. I'm on the bandwagon, Rays in the World Series all the way!

Not much to report here, the regular season starts Oct. 31st for the Raps, so i probably won't see the game since it's halloween. But i'm excited for yet another season of Raptors basketball. Although i have no idea who's replaced Chuck Swirsky this year as the voice of the Raps, and there's no doubt fans are going to miss the excitment he brought to the telecasts.