DAY 8...
It feels like it's been a lot longer.
So Grimes gave me a pretty stern talking to today. He said I hadn't been pulling my weight around here. And he was right. I guess I'd lost sight of what really matters in my life.
Do I care about my job right now? Absolutely! But I also care a whole lot about watching Californication on Monday nights, and I haven't been doing that too much either, now have I? My priorities are all fucked up. So let's get back to business. And what better way for me to return than by talking about my new absolute passion:
The Wendy's Flavor-Dipped Chicken Sandwich
Wow. What a fucking sandwich!! I just had one, and it literally blew my mind. I've been making a pretty conscious choice to eat healthy food while I'm down here. And in the south that means getting a chicken burger instead of a hamburger. I've already lost 6 Lbs!! (Not really, but that would be an awesome diet). This chicken burger has the best sauce I've ever had in my entire life smothered all over the sumbitch like it took a big ol' bath in the stuff. So delicious! And the chicken? Moist, tender and succulent. Everything a non-Denby could ever ask for.
Now I think most of the influential members of the culinary community will know how I feel about Wendy's fad sandwiches. Fuck'm. The baconator? Eric was there when I had my first one, and I think he saw my hear sink into my shoes when I saw how puny it was. *Just* three patties, six strips of bacon and cheese!? Where the FUCK is my mayo!?! But the Wendy's Flavor-Dipped Chicken Sandwich? No need for that shit. What it's got is all you need. And what has it got? The perfect makings of a pal meal, that's what. A couple of rings of onions - for me - and about eighteen pickles for my main man Grimes (Grimes, don't worry, I kept all of them in a napkin, I'm bringing them home for you). A masterpiece. A culinary masterpiece.
So to the fine food scientists at Wendy's - to you, I tip my hat. Well done old boys. You have made the world a better place.
As for the rest of my day? Well, I was thinking about the numbers to it while I was danking out back just now - and here's how I see'm:
[Daily Tallies]
Hours in a day: 24
Hours spent working: 18
Hours spent sleeping: 5
Coffees consumed: 3
Red Bulls consumed: 2
Diet Cokes Consumed: 6
Meals: 1 (ideally Wendy's from now till I die, which could be any minute now)
Danks: 10
Beers: 4-6
Diarrhea Sessions: 2
Multi-Vitamins: 1
Air-Born Nutrient Drink: 1
Percentage of Awesomeness Felt: 100
So yeah, if I make it through this without a massive coronary or looking like Christian Bale from The Machinist, I'll be pretty pleased.
The campaign is going really well. I guess I should speak more to it, but I'll need way more time to collect my thoughts. I'm a pretty senior member of the team if I don't say so myself so I'm staying busy. I was actually offered a more senior position last week, coordinating the 200-300 Out Of State Volunteers (OOS Vols) for Northern Florida. It would have been a pretty big deal. And in my excitement I immediately took the job and started working away. And about an hour later I remembered I was Canadian. That was a tough shoe to chew. Obviously they had to renege on the offer cause they couldn't have some dirty stinking Canuck on senior calls, but it was still cool to have held the position. Even for 60 minutes. So yeah, that's me bragging cause I'm a huge chump. Eugh. This is going terribly...
For people who haven't been reading the polls, Americans are casting their ballots early in record numbers. And if you're looking at those stats in Northern Florida, their all because of us. It's a cool feeling to be able to check National polls and see what your work is producing. And what we're producing is this: Republicans beat us in every single state save one (Iowa) in 2004 in early voting. So this year, getting all that energy to translate into early votes was really important. Essentially it was making sure we weren't playing catch-up come election day. Now we have 2/3 of early voters casting their ballots for Barrack, and already we have just a bit under half a million votes cast. So we're doing well. And I'm still bragging. Sorry folks. I know this entry is sucking assholes, but I'm just letting it flow.
So yeah, Florida is still polling really tight (despite big voting numbers... more on that next time), and that likely won't change. But the bright side of it is that Florida is quickly becoming the "Must Win" for McCain. If he doesn't win it, he's done. He can't be president. So on Nov. 4th, if it goes our way, we've won the election. You'll pretty much be able to call it before the other 2/3rds of the nation are announced. And that's amazing. But it also scares the shit out of us.
On the door of our office we have "Run Scared" written in big letters and taped up where everyone can see it. Barrack said it on a conference call and it's become our mantra. Always run like you're being chased.
Luckily for us, that's easy because we are being chased by bat-shit crazy McCain, so that helps keep energy up.
And that's about it. Or rather, I have a bajillion more things to say but that's about all I can write in one go. So yeah, you guys all suck, I don't miss you at all and Grimes is a super-chump for getting a Blackberry.
The end
ps - whoa, that other blog that Grimes attached is way better than ours. We really do need to step it up, eh? Grimes! More stories about you and Denby, and laughing and laughing and laughing...