If you can find me a better show on TV than House, I will kiss you socks. Last nights episode brought four - count them! four! - good story-lines together in a way that hasn't happened yet this season. To start, House's dad dies. And you know House, the loveable, kind hearted sap that he is, obviously breaks down weeping. Or not... Rather he refuses to attend the funeral and is generally bitter about the idea of providing a eulogy. Intro storyline #2. Cuddy drugs him under the guise of a SARS vaccine and when he awakes, Wilson has kidnapped him and is driving him to the funeral. Roadtrip!!!! Back at the hospital, storyline #3, the Case Of The Week (COTW) is a young Asian girl with multiple addictions whose liver is shutting down and who keeps vomiting blood (a hugely popular symptom over the last season, am I wrong?). And who will save this poor girl now that House has been taken away? Welcome to storyline #4, in which the old team, without House, performs a differential only to find the new team has solved the problem in the same amount of time! Do I smell some inter-hospital competitions happening? Probably not... But it would be awesome.
The episode is really about parents. About how much they fuck you up; In the Asian girls case, both physically and emotionally and in House's case... well, the same. But it's also about assigning blame. We find out Taub has confessed his past infidelities to his wife, that Kumar (does he have another name?) blames adoption for spoiling the COTW and that ultimately, assigning that blame will get you nowhere. Whose fault was it that he cheated? It doesn't matter. Whose fault is it that the COTW is all addicted-up? Well, it turns out it IS her parents fault because they tried to kill her by inserting pins into her brain... So maybe in that case you CAN assign blame. But for the rest of the episode, it's about trying to discover why things happen and ultimately acknowledging that it doesn't matter. The past may be prologue, but the main chapters make the book.
Also - it turns out that Wilson and House met at a medical convention where House bailed Wilson out of jail. Man, do you ever have to love those guys.
1 comment:
What a banger of an episode that was last night eh? All I have to say is WILSON!!!!!!!! And how badly did you want the guys sitting at the jukebox in New Orleans playing Billy Joel over and over again to be House?
did you see scenes from next week? yikes.
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