Actually, Pushing Daisies (ABC 8 PM/ET) did replay the season premier and if you like the show, it was a pleasant return. Now in it's 2nd season, the entire cast seems more comfortable with the speaking rhythms and melodramatic queues. And the shows creators seem more comfortable doing whatever the hell they want. The tagline for the show was "forensic fairy tale" and as anyone who watches it knows, the forensics play a very small part and the fairy tale a much larger one. Even more so now that it's been picked up. The real question though: will people actually watch it now that it has a strike-free season ahead of it? (knock on wood... don't fuck me over gaffers!!)
- So in actually Tittie Pipe news, David E. Kelly (creator of Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Legal and every other Legal dramedy ever made) is going to give TV a crack with a new show that centers around the crazy question of what happens when a father and daughter BOTH practice law? All I know is that zaniness and/or heartfelt moments ensue.
- Will Arnett of dearly departed Arrested Development has been offered a seven-figure deal with FOX to make a new show. Early reports suggest the sitcom will revolve around a man who was incredibly funny in his freshman TV effort and then got sucked into a string of terrible movies. He's so method!!
- And speaking of method! in a slightly different kind of Tittie Pipe news, Steven Soderberg has tapped Sasha Grey (not like that...) as the lead role in his gritty new film about high class prostitutes who fuck for money. Take out the "high", "class" and "prostitute" and you can see how Grey would fit right in!! Of course this is a huge break for the adult film actress. The Girlfriend Experience will be Soderberg's follow-up to the four hour historical epic Che and Grey's follow-up to the 90-minute epic Four Massive Black Cocks In My Ass.
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