Friday, October 17, 2008

The Top Ten Reasons Mumford Rules

I'm going to try and do a top ten list every so often, here's the first.

10.) He's one of the very few friends i have that also follows sports

9.) He can open beers with his engineering ring, i tried once and almost ripped my finger off

8.) He picked up his girlfriend at a bar, and she's kind of awesome

7.) He 100% definitely suffers from voice immodulation. (aka he talks so loud)

6.) He's the only close guy friend i have who has a cottage

5.) He will have a bionic back in the near future, possibly with a remote control

4.) He loves weed

3.) He's seen more movies than Ebert & Roeper combined (ROPES!)

2.) He wobbles back and forth a bit when he walks

1.) It's Friday, he ain't go not job, and he ain't got shit to do


denby said...

he's a great man. legend even.
kinda surprised your top ten list didn't mention his lower back tattoo though..... BIIIIIIG JUIIICY VAAAAAAAAAN....

gritz said...

I left a bunch of stuff out, like all his nicknames, the comfort, big juicy van, long arms bluntford, the shivering ghost, awkward mcmumford, catscan, and so on and so on...