Monday, February 2, 2009


Well, last night there was this bowl. The "Super" bowl. Super? You betcha. First off, The Boss dished out a free lesson in how to rock and roll. Secondly, Kurt Warner hits Fitzy for a TD in the 4th quarter has everyone screaming their heads off (except Mumford) and then, with just seconds left, Big Roeth hit's Holmes!! Unbelievable!! I put back a few too many beers and proceeded to offend Anna twice with impressions of different nationalities. All in all a good time. But sadly, there was one thing missing from the evening. A 12 foot-long meatball sub? Well, yeah, that was missing too, so I guess there were two things missing from the evening: a 12 foot-long meatball sub and US Super Bowl ads. Now, everyone has probably dedicated their mornings to catching up on these 30 second masterpieces, but in case you haven't, here are (in my esteemed opinion) the Top 5 Super Bowl Commercials from 2009.

#5 - Hulu with Alec Baldwin. 
I can't really say why I think this one is funny, maybe just Baldwin saying, "DYNO-MITE!!" but whatever it is, it's good.

#4 - with The Doctor
Grimes has a good sized list of things that scratch him right where he itches. Well for me, the biggest is people being awesome at stuff. You know that scene at the end of Groundhog Day when Bill Murray pulls off a perfect day? Amazing. And when Will Ferrell turns out to be a killer flautist in Anchorman? Perfection. So this commercial really speaks to me. Behold:

#3 - Etrade with The Babies
Maybe I'm too sentimental. Or maybe my biological clock is ticking, and I secretly know that I only have a few good years left in me to pull a Junior and have a man-baby (a baby born of a man, not a baby that comes out a full grown man...). Either way, this one rules. Mostly because even if it were full-grown men, I'd love the back-and-forth and the stretching of the golden pipes.

#2 - Monster with The Moose 
First of all, moose are ALWAYS funny. Literally, anytime something happens with a moose I'll probably laugh. This one continues that streak. And how! The reveal is amazing and man alive does it ever hit the nail on the head for how I feel at work.

#1 - Bud Light with Conan 
I mean, honestly, can YOU think up something funnier than Conan doing anything!?! I can't, which may be why this one takes the cake for best commercial of the year. Other newspapers and magazines have said that the Dorito's commercial with the old dude getting hit in the nuts is the winner (and on any other day of the week, I'd agree) but Conan in red mesh? Hello!!

And of course, no review of Super Bowl commercials would be complete without this one for next year's shoe-in for Best Picture Oscar.

And also, this one for Jack In The Box. The guy in the phone reminds me of Kevin James (or, as he's better known, Paul Blart, Mall Cop) and you know that means guffaw-city.


Anonymous said...

I think the MacGruber pepsi commercial was the best.. I guess you have to watch SNL in order to fully appreciate it, but still it made me laugh the hardest.
Although Conan was pretty great

Anonymous said...

I do watch SNL. I didn't think it was very good. I feel like Conan made a joke about selling out whereas Lorne Michaels didn't even joke about it - he just did it. It made the ad kind of depressing.