So i'm not going to lie, i've been checking out my own blog repeatedly ever since yesterday. Not to see if anyone has commented. Not to reread my own writing. But for one reason and one reason only. To continuously look at the picture i posted with the Montreal blog. I'm dangerously obsessed with it. I have no idea why, but for some reason the idea of a girl, any girl, wearing any sort of Habs paraphenelia is basically porn for me. It's like that scene in Wayne's World when he sees Cassandra on the stage for the first time and "Dreamweaver" starts playing. So I decided for those who suffer the same affliction of me, i'd post a few more random habs hotties. Enjoy.

Shania Twain? Habs fan? I had no idea, but now "You're Still The One" is even more special to me than it was before.

This girl is definitely French Canadian, you can see it in her eyes, and just so damn hot, some people don't like the whole pink jerseys/tshirts for girls and sports teams....i'm all for it.

Is this the girl from Transformers? Megan Fox? Kind of looks like her doesn't it? I would do awful things with that flag. I wonder if it's on ebay?

Good god....

That's a sweet jersey underwear combo, bonus points for the chinese symbol tattoo poking out.
Ok it's official, i'm fully in love, this is the one, screw partying this weekend, i'm spending every waking moment trying to find this girl.
Mike Komisarek. God among men. He could have any one of those girls long as he leaves just one of them for me.
Well boys i hope you enjoyed that one even if you're not a Habs fan, and to the ladies, you may now start the sexist comments. I don't care, fully worth it.
this is the best post ever
You need to take off the picture where you only see the underwear! You dont have any right on this picture! Where did you get it? It was private on my facebook!
I'll follow up on this so you should take it off before i call the police for private violation
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