So now that i've returned from the city of my ancestors, I feel you're all dying to know about the weekend that was. Did I find the girl of my dreams from the photos i posted? How close did the actual weekend resemble my prediction? Well sit back, grab a coffee, while I spin you a tale of a trip for the ages.
Well we had a bit of a later start than we had hoped for. There was confusion amongst the participaters which resulted in myself Julien and my bro not getting out of Toronto until around 6, and heading to the airport to pick up Dave who was returning from his week away in California hobknobbing with rich folks. By the time the airport pickup was complete it was inching closer to 7 and the outlook for a night out in Montreal was looking bleak. I should have known better. Mark "Leadfoot" Grimes got us to Kingston in record time before passing the reins to his younger less accomplished brother (ME!). Feeling the heat of expectation and the energy from an A&W hamburger I pushed the envelope, and spoke softly to the steering wheel of our old Dodge Caravan. "Just you and me girl....we can do this....i love you so much." She didn't disappoint. To our delight we arrived in Montreal shortly after midnight, and slammed a couple of Red Caps back in the room before hitting the streets.
St. Laurent has changed, that much is true. I didn't recognize half the new bars or restaurants, but the old faithful was still there, Bifteck. We cruised upstairs, grabbed 4 beauty spots at the bar, eyed up the bartender who was a looker no doubt, and ordered up 4 jagerbombs and two pitchers. What's that? No redbull? But it's 5 shots for 15 bucks? Done, 5 shots of jager, I manned up and took the extra one. So we sat there amongst the young University kids, feeling our age for sure but having a hell of a time, when all of a sudden i had a 2 year psyche student all up in my grill. I wish i could say the rest of this story was R-rated. But i clearly must be getting old cause goddamn was she annoying. So wasted she couldn't even speak properly, and she spent the whole time just eyeing up my extra shot of Jager. Ummm.....HELL NO! Through that one back but she stuck around either way. With encouraging looks and gestures from my 3 compatriots i struck up some light conversation, which was clearly all she was capable of. But my heart was not in it. Probably wouldnt' have amounted to anything anyways. Random fact however is that she lived in 900 Sherbrooke, the very same building that old Ramy Rashad used to inhabitate! Soon we had some more pressing issues, Mark's stomach woes that had started the day before reared their ugly head and he had some violent vometing issues, not once but twice in the bathroom of Bifteck, and although i didn't see, from the sounds of it he coated most of that bathroom in upchuck. So we eventually took our leave and of course went straight to "La Belle Province" for some late night poutines that didn't disappoint, then passed out in our hotel suite. I snored.
We woke up feeling not too worse for wear. Lazed around the room a bit, showered and prettied ourselves up since we knew we wouldn't be returning til the early hours of the morning the next day. First stop...."Eggspectations" for breakfast/lunch/brunch. Why are french canadian girls so hot? After a good fill up of sustenance we headed to Peel Pub. Myself and Julien made the mistake of not properly checking the drinks menu before ordering a pitcher. It was a mistake we wouldn't make twice however, because we noticed bottles of Bud Lite were 2 bucks. Done and done. For the next 3.5 hours we watched afternoon hockey games on the oddly yellow projection screen in front of us, and downed bottle after bottle of Bud Lite. We even had an incredible cameo from one of my bro's best friends Bryan Vaughan and his lovely fiancee Sharene (spelling?). The place filled up, there were chants of Go Leafs Go, return chants of Go Habs Go, i got steadily drunker and booed every person in a Leafs Jersey thinking that it was just hilarious. I also met my future wife. I have a picture with her. She was doing promotions for Molson Ex, and she......well she.....she's my everything. I'm blowing that shit up to poster size and putting it on my wall.
GAMETIME! Paid our tab, and walked down to the holyland. I got a chill, not from the cold, but from seeing the Bell Centre lit up in all it's glory. Our seats were in the 200 level, the Desjardins Club, which means free coat check, and free food all game. Yes you walk up to the concession stands just like you normally would, but when it comes time to pay....you don't. Except beer....that's not free. So the game is blurry, but from the text messages i received from a few of you dickheads i'm sure you know what happened. 5-2 Leafs win. Devastating. Horrifying. Possibly night ruining? Fuck that, i come to Montreal for a game once a year, i love this city, i'll fight through the pain. I'm feeling a little tired, all that beer plus 2 slices of 'za, a hot dog and nachos will do that to ya.
Myself, Mark, and Julien leave the game without Dave, he's off with Vaughany celebrating the Leafs win on the streets with all the other obnoxious fucks. So what to do now? Easy.......rippers here we come! Straight to Wanda's, the home of the 8 dollar lap dance. We pay our 2 dollar cover and get some nice seats right in front of stage 2. Dave eventually shows up and joins us and we hunker down for some good old fashioned male entertainment. Now i'm not one of those people that consistently attends strip clubs. But once in a while in the company of your buddies, they're a damn good time. So we had some drinks and watched the entertainment which was great. Julien had left to go to the bathroom at one point and i remarked to Mark and Dave when he hadn't returned for a while, "is Ju actually taking a shit at a strip club?" Nope....turns out he was buying me my first lap dance ever. Yup....never had one....something stupid i brag about similar to never running a marathon and never having had a Starbucks coffee. 2 out of 3 are still intact. It's a little strange having a girl dance buck naked just for you, when there are several people all around you watching both her, and your reaction to her. That being said.....thankyou Julien.....thankyou so much.
We left Wanda's after a little while. So where to next now that we'd satisfied our urge for adult entertainment? Super Sexe. Montreal's most well renowned....strip club. DON'T JUDGE ME! Super Sexe rules, cause it's always got a good crowd, and a ton of girls. Seriously they have so many strippers on any given night and they're just milling about hanging out with each other, giving dances at tables. Good atmosphere for sure. Also they cater to pretty much every person's taste, no matter what you're into, you can probably find it there, as evidenced by the largest stripper i've ever seen wearing just a bra and thong. So we rode out the rest of the night there. Hilight of the night was probably when some guy who was getting married got pulled up on stage by two strippers. Poor guy. They played around with him a bit, rubbed their boobs in his face. Then took his clothes off leaving him in just his underwear. Then he lay face down on the ground, they ripped his underwear off, and strapped him as hard as they could across the ass with belts numerous times. Gotta admit he took it real well! From there it was off to "La Belle Province" again, for late night poutines, followed by hockey hilights in the hotel room and passing out.
The least exciting day by far. Woke up feeling good and shitty. Headed to Champs, had a lunchtime meal while watching the Pens vs. Red Wings game. Julien headed to Shwartz's and picked up the essential smoked meat to bring home. Then we were off with Julien and Dave sharing the drive home.
I had an awesome weekend, i always do in Montreal, it's still my favorite city in the world, a summer trip needs to happen, so we can do the things we missed, the casino, the biodome, Tam Tam's. Let's make it happen.
BOO Tam Tams. That place is for losers. Have a good time there boys. I'll be with the old drunks down at Bar Des Pins, getting good and moody and accustomed to the dark, so when you come find me at 3:30 PM I'll have to shield my eyes when I finally leave.
ahahaha i'm with kitzy on that one. too many dirty hippies at tam tams, and I owe ol mike a visit at BDP anyways.
Hmmmm.....well that anonymous comment seems like it might have come from Mike Denby....which is strange....cause aren't you a dirty hippie? Shunning your own kind?
I'm in. I'll go anywhere with hot french girls...or mediocre french girls. and I also need to gamble. but i'll be down for a beer or two in bdp...even though that place is such a hole!
Can I vote that French girls are eternally 19 year old drunks and really hot?? Put me down for that
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