Thursday, December 11, 2008

BME Pain Olympics

Oh my god. This will not be a long posting. However i am currently having a chat with my old irish pal JP, you know him as the Jagermonster, the JYP, J-Pie, J-Fly and several other aliases. He starred many times in the Chronicles of Grimes back in the day. Anyways he has just asked me if i'm aware of the BME Pain Olympics. Which I am not. He said it's a video floating around the internet right now, of two guys, and a knife. They are competing to see who can withstand the most pain.

WITH THEIR DICKS AND BALLS! Yes you heard me correctly, dicks and balls. He has not seen it yet, but from what he's heard BME is a group of guys that self inflict pain, and they even have a website. I have not been to it, and i'm not sure i'm going to. He also has informed me that from what he's heard, one guy in the video cuts his balls off. OFF! OOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like what the fuck? He said he's also not sure but one guy might cut his dick off. Jesus Christ i can't understand this? Why...why would anyone do this? Has anyone out there seen this video? Is this all true or just a horrible sick joke? Please someone just tell me it's not real and I can go back to having at least a little faith in mankind.

JP has again just informed me the video is titled "BME Pain Olympics Final Round". And he put it best...."mate it better be the final round." He refuses to watch it, so do I, that's where you come in dear reader. Search it, watch it, take one for the team and tell us all if it's legit. After searching it on google it legitimately exists, and the photo above is from a guy watching the video for the first time.


Anonymous said...

when that whole "2girls1cup" phenomenon was happening, there was also an amazing video of Joe Rogan's reaction to it. Well he mentions the pain olympics in that, and says that there's no way it's worse than that, and well, if you've seen his reaction, I think it may be. I'll watch it when I get home tonight.

gritz said...

Quick follow up to my little blog there. I just watched a reaction video to it. And i now have decided to refuse to watch the actual video. There was alot of gagging, and alot of yelling in it. And these two quotes were said.

"Dude he just cut his testicles off!!"

"Man that's his nut, why is he doing that?"

These two quotes have sworn me off ever wanting to see this video. Good luck to you if you decide to go the other direction.

Anonymous said...

check out kids in the sandbox if you want a real good one