I think it's important in the winter to have things to look forward too. Don't you? So let's have a look at the upcoming weekends and see if we can't get this thing filled up with funness.
Weekend of Jan 9th -Jan 11th:
9th - Raptors box seats followed by Make Your Exit concert at the Rivoli. Solid night.
10th - Party at the Ghaeli/Umpherson/Heakes residence. Tearful goodbye for Umphie.
11th - Playoff Football games plus mad depression knowing Monday is coming.
Weekend of Jan 16th - Jan 18th:
16th - no plans as of yet, someone fill this in.
17th - MONSTER TRUCK RALLY! Jean jackets and trucker hats here we come.
18th - Playoff Football games plus mad depression knowing Monday is coming.
Weekend of Jan 23rd - Jan25th:
23rd - Still pending. Driving up to Huntsville for the whole weekend and playing hockey, beer pong, and drinking far too much at Howie's cottage. Please god let this happen.
24th - Still playing hockey YEAH!
25th - Miserable drive home knowing Monday is coming.
Weekend of Jan 30th - Feb 1st:
30th - Big Make Your Exit show this night, possibly the biggest of all time.
31st - Nothing going on, someone fill this in.
1st - Take a wild guess.....fuckin mondays.
Weekend of Feb 6th - Feb 8th:
6th - Leave early from work to drive to Montreal for the weekend, arrive late, drink hard.
7th - Head to Peel Pub early afternoon. Drink 5 Bud Lights for 9 dollars. Attend Habs vs. Leafs game at Bell Centre. Celebrate the shellacking the Habs lay down afterwards.
8th - Drive back to Toronto, possibly swerve into oncoming traffic.
Weekend of Feb 13th - Feb 15th:
13th - Excitement rising.......no plans.
14th - Still rising......reaching epic proportions.....no plans.
15th - Excitement still there.....but slight abated knowing Monday still sucks.
Weekend of Feb 20th - Feb 21st:
20th - Masturbate all day and night thinking about Nicaragua.
21st - Wake up early, taxi to airport, fly to Nicaragua, drive to new house for the week, ejaculate for the first time in my life with no physical contact upon arrival at the house.
22nd - Surf all fuckin day and get drunk.
So there's the schedule. A few things may need to be filled in, but i think we're pretty well covered. Pumped?
-Rum and Coke with a slice of Grime
I think what you were referring to is called "the mumford", as he claims to have pulled it off. I for one, reckon mumford is not the lying type (except for that whole G2 fiasco) and we all understand his insanely high thc intake, so maybe it did happen?
You forgot to mention Make Your Exit's minitour through Kingston and Ottawa, hopefully resulting in numerous "slushpanties"
Yes that is "the mumford". For those of who don't understand what michael robert denby is talking about. Mumford claims to have been so baked at one point, that he ejaculated without touching himself. There were no witnesses to this event and his story has a few holes in it, but we've chosen to believe him.
Family Day is Feb 16th, so you can hang yourself the monday instead of the sunday.
I picture Mumford trying to recreate the "Mumford" much like Stan Lee in the Simpsons trying to turn into the Hulk.. "*pained flexing*.. well it happened once!"
Grimes i can fill in a couple blanks for you. First off, can't believe someone who spends every Sunday religiously watching football forgot to include the Feb. 1st Superbowl! Secondly, Feb 13th, my brithday, look forward to screwing you over in some way or another. you can live in fear until then.
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