Because Kitzy has been posting shit like a madman lately, all of a sudden we've arrived at a very important moment in the history of our blog. The century mark, this posting here marks the 100th post on our blog. I know it's insane, and i know just like me you've all got tears in your eyes. So for the 15-20 loyal readers out there, Kitzy and myself would just like to say thankyou for listening to us talk about science, sports, masturbation, fecal matter, TV, movies, and Mike Denby. I don't want to jinx it, but i figure by the time our 200th post rolls around, we might be up to 22-24 loyal readers. Knock on wood. Either that or we'll be shut down by some uptight crusty old dean. I have nothing really to write about so i guess the 100th post is going to be pretty fuckin shitty. Which is unfortunate. We love and somewhat respect you all very much. Cue the music.
couldn't have said it better myself.
Stupid Dean... we'll get him good.
Congrats y’all. I have been placidly entertained throughout
Man, for such a piddling blog you guys have a massive staff…..ok ok, the blog is more inconsequential then piddling.
Back handily yours,
Sir J. Blain IV, Descendent of King Henry VIII, Esquire
What is the split on the blogs?? Grimes 70, Kitzy 30??
I guess that means I enjoy 70% of the blogs.. Grimes speaks to me on the right level, I like stuff you don't have to think about..
Kitzy's blogs seem cut and paste from the Huffington Post and imdb.. Prove me wrong kids.. prove me wrong
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