It's Monday, I'm at work bored as fuck, i'm in a shitty mood and don't really have much of a reason to be, and i'm on here to write about god knows what. I really don't have a clue what i'm going to write about yet, maybe i'll just put these couple of sentences up and call it a day. It seems everything is pissing me off today, Mumford trying to get me to print out 89 pages of some fuckin bullshit for him. Do it yourself alright? You've got the time. Denby being too busy to email back and forth with me. Kitzy's having a shitty day too, just got an email from him that said "kill me now!" Now add the fact that Favre is currently in Florida on a cruise ship with Anna. Then throw in a dose of Pearson being on vacation with Susi all next week in the Mayan Riviera. That's not to say i'm some asshole who doesn't want my friends to have fun. Cause i'm happy for those boys, but at the same time it just reminds me of how much i want a break, and more than anything how much i'd love to just get away for a bit, even if it's just for a few days.
It kind of amazes me how much i let the weather affect my mood. In the summer getting through a work week is a breeze. No problem at all. I'll meet up with one of the boys for lunch, maybe eat outside if it's really nice. Or hide from the sun if it's too damn hot. Talk about getting away to a cottage or hitting a patio after work. The sun keeps it light out til mid evening. We can play soccer in the park and keep active. But then it starts to get cold. I wake up in the mornings these days, and it's dark out. I walk to work and it's cold. I get to work, hide inside all day, scamper to meet someone for lunch if I can and complain about how cold it is, then i walk home....and it's dark again. Things that seemed so easy to get done before, like laundry or grocery shopping, all of a sudden seem like much more ominous tasks.
Ok ok you can stop loading your gun now. I never intended to make people feel suicidal from reading this posting. Sometimes i guess you just need to get some shit off your chest. I've got alot more i could potentially unload but i think this is good for now. I mean for the most part i'm a happy guy right! I mean i'm not clinically depressed or anything so enough of all this crap. There are some positives to winter no doubt about it. I mean there are the obvious ones that come with weather change. You can't snowboard in the summer (unless you live in whistler i guess), sure i haven't gone snowboarding in about 5 years, but at least in the winter the option is there! And we all keep talking about getting a big snowboard trip organized, renting a ski in ski out place on a mountain somewhere and cramming it full of all of us. Beds for the couples, floor for the single guys! Don't worry Mike we can snuggle on the carpet.
Let's see what else. Well as you may or may not know, (and it's probably may since i don't think anyone other than denby or kitzy read this) i'm quite partial to the game of hockey. So one of my saving graces during the winter time is the opening of the outdoor hockey rinks. And they have officially opened this past weekend so that gives me the chance to get out there a few times a week, get some exercise, and non-violently release a whole lot of pent up sexual aggression. Alot of the boys like to come out and play too so that's always a good time. I'm already looking forward to catching Mumford with his head down sometime and possibly placing him in the hospital. (89 pages Mumford? really?)
Another pro/con to winter would have to be the partying aspect. Now it can be both good and bad depending on how you look at it. There's no doubt people, myself included, slow down their partying ways when the cold weather arrives. Their are several pros to this. You save some money, you get better at video games, you catch up on movies, you masturbate more often, your parents stop giving you lectures on the culture of binge drinking, you get to see Mumford's cold smile which is hilarious, you have less random bruises from not seeing a drunken Julien Favre so much, and you see Mike Denby more often since he's your only single friend left and couples stay in more in the winter so you cling to each other secretly hoping the other one doesn't find his true love before you do. I've said too much. Let's get to the cons. First off the obvious, getting drunk and partying....can be pretty fun. Hacking danks is cold, it's always dark, no more patio drinking, bikinis and tank tops are replaced by pants sweaters and coats, you need cabs to go pretty much everywhere, i always lose gloves/mittens, my radiator in my room is turned up way too high and i can't control the temperature and have a windowless room, my feet are often wet from snow, my coat/andrew's coat is falling to pieces.
Ok i guess those kind of turned into more my winter problems than a general overview of everybody's. But i think you get the point. Wow i actually gotta say i feel much better now having released all that crap out of my system. And hey maybe you'll actually read it since it's winter and you've got nothing better to do.
Hey Dumby, Remember when I dropped my balls in your shoes on Friday night? Thanks for the whiskey.
But seriously thanks for the whiskey. Good times this weekend. I owe ya.
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