YES WE CAN! And apparently they could. Even for someone as ignorant as me when it comes to politics, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when the Americans overwhelmingly said "YES WE CAN!" and voted Obama into the Whitehouse yesterday. Now i know most of you are thinking, "yes finally a kitzy post, it's about time, that Grimes guy really fuckin sucks!" Well fuck you who were thinking that cause it's me, Optimus Grime.
I don't think their can be a doubt in most people's minds, especially those of us way up here in Canada that this was the right decision. "Y'all from Canadar? Hmmmmm.....where dat at?" Especially considering what would happen if McCain, god forbid, ever kicked the bucket while in office, can you imagine? Palin running the world's biggest superpower? That's like telling me to design a building on my own, bad things would happen. Although let's be honest, we've seen over the last eight years that the President can be a puppet, and things won't totally go to shit. Although the latest financial crisis might be evidence against that statement.
I think the most important thing to take from all this, is not the fact that a black leader was elected. Yes it's a great step and will no doubt further serve the cause of equality in the States. But more than anything it's that the RIGHT person was chosen. Black, white, red, yellow, woman, man, doesn't matter, the fact that the American public voted the RIGHT person for the job is the most important thing to take from all this.
No doubt Obama is going to have his hands full now. Basically Bush had an epic metaphorical bender with like 30 kegs, mounds of shadadadadanay, and the most questionable of guests, and then moved out and said to Obama, "ok.....you clean it up! I'm going to go give retarded speeches for the next ten years and be paid through the teeth to do it!" So i don't envy his position. However the thing about Obama that most people would have to agree with is that he inspires confidence. He's well spoken, he's clearly very intelligent, and he speaks with passion. Is it bullshit? I hope not. I've never met the man, and i'm a terrible judge of character. (How the hell was i supposed to know she was a prostitute? She never told me! I'm supposed to guess?) There is something to be said about a man that can rise to be the most important man in the world, and yes he is the most important man in the world now, from basically out of nowhere. He has what a great leader must have, he has what Trudeau had, and what JFK had, the ability to speak to the people and make them believe. Now he just needs to back it up. I for one hope he does.
i couldn't agree more grime. especially because she wasn't even dressed like a hooker...
ps. my word verification was "moolstan", which i think we should make into a new word.
a political blog. wow. not half bad either. I for one, can't wait for Sarah Palin's reality tv show have an amazing half season run, than bomb in the second season, get cancelled, leaving her to sink to the depths of posing for Hustler. Not even Hef or Penthouse will want her.
On a more serious note, it's incredibly unfortunate what Grimes said about cleaning up after the party. I mean, Bush spilled a whole 2 litre bottle of tonic water on the kitchen floor, and I know from experience, you can mop and mop and mop, but that shit stays sticky and frustrating. There's just no way to live up to the expectations that are on this guy. Just not possible. But hell if he ain't gonna try.
Palin 2012
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